Back after a long and tiring business trip, but still managed to arrange to attend a class by Tom Ziglar – The CEO of Zig Ziglar Corporation and the author of the book “10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times.”
Summarising some useful key points that I found:
1- Humility: The opposite of entitlement, allows you to be grateful for what you have; allows you to ask “How can I handle it better next time”
2- Kindness: Being friendly and generous. Being considerate and selfless. Being compassionate and merciful. “Kindness is the bedrock of a good working relationship.”
3- Respect: A way of thinking and treating someone. [AIR] Appreciation + Inspiration + Recognition. “You cannot gain respect by disrespecting others”.
4- Positivity: Choosing a positive response to every situation. “Have to -> Get to”. “You don’t have to like everything you do”.
5- Selflessness: Having little or no concern for oneself, especially regards to fame, position, money, etc; unselfish. “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want”.
6- Standing firm: Having a posture of a strong spine and an open heart. Coach leaders build trust and influence by sharing their stories.
7- Self control: The ability to remain and not show your emotions even though you are feeling angry, excited, etc,..
8- Being the light: Illuminate the purpose, vision, mission and the why of the organisation.
9- Looking for the best: Looking for the gold. “We create the future we see”.
10- Never giving up: Focusing on solutions, processes, and progress. “It is not what you know, it’s what you use that makes a difference”
@@You can’t give someone something you don’t have.
-”You can lead a horse to the stream, but you can’t make it drink. However, you can make it thirsty.”
-Discover their purpose in life. [Their WHY]
-”People don’t quit job, people quit people”
* WHEEL OF LIFE ASSESSMENT [Quality of life = Quality of work]
-Physical, Financial, Spiritual, Personal,
-Mental, Career, Family
[Business MAP]
-Vision – Values – Virtues
-Compensation – Contribute
-Quality of life
-Goals growth
-32% engaged
-50% disengaged
-18% actively disengaged
-Walking out 10 leadership virtues
-Intentional coaching conversations
One special thing is that Tom Ziglar is a Christian. He also weaves stories between him and his father (Zig Ziglar) when they go to church on Sundays or elements of spirituality within the wheel of life, such as faith, peace, prayer, and gratitude. Thank God!
27/7/2023 – Lotte Hotel, Hanoi